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i fell off, please program big invisible trampoline


The character can fall out of the map by walking far left or far right beyond the floor 


Health bar, monster sprite, character sprites and the gameplay are done well


The platforms can be hard to time with the player falling too soon (or I'm not good at the game)

The number of mushrooms the player has collected could be displayed more clearly


Add a start menu for the player so they have time to react to avoid the monster

You could fall out the word and the  ghost pushed me several times so maybe add invisible boarders

The mechanic of the game is very repayable and because of the timer i wanted to play over and over to beat my high score. i also liked how there were different mushrooms as they were very cute.

Being able to see outside the world took away from the experience as i got really into it and then there was just blue.

Id add sound for the  ghost as i think that would be the cherry on top.

The only bugs I can really find are the ones you've already mentioned. Everything else works fine.

The visual style is really cute and calming. The scary spirit is a good contrast. But what is the link between the girl and the spirit? Why is the spirit there? Why is she collecting mushrooms?


The framerate is a little skippy at times, but I'm not sure if there's anything you could do to fix that. It's also possible to fall off the map and into the abyss.


The goal of the game is very clear from the start. The animations and art compliment the mechanics and do a good job of implying a deeper storyline.


I couldn't think of any that haven't already been mentioned.


It feels just about impossible to dodge the monster. Maybe you could make it so it doesn't seek you out when it dashes, but rather shoots in a straight line, and you could increase the speed to keep it challenging?

++art style is very good everything feels connected

+enemy AI provides a good challenge 

-however can easily confuse enemy ai by going round the outside and waiting for it to lunge before moving

Bugs - Describe briefly and accurately any bugs (errors or problems) you spotted in your test

The basic movement controls took a long time to activate for me, some rounds I couldn't move due to getting repeatedly hit by the enemy character

Strengths (visual style, animations, sounds, gameplay) What are the best parts of the game? 

The art style is easily the strongest aspect, it's a good balance between detail and simplicity.

Weaknesses (visual style, animations, sounds, gameplay) What is the weakest part of the game? 

The current mechanics need some refinement in terms of the movement. There's also no explanation for what the player's purpose in the game is, the game just suddenly starts with no context of end goal for the player.

Changes or Improvements Are there any (small and reasonable) changes or improvements you would recommend?

Some kind of instructions or intro added would be good.

Tweaking the movement and enemy activation mechanics

The art style is awesome! Animations are cool too. The objective is clear and simple to complete, however the enemy scared the hell out of me when it lunged! 

However, the mechanics are slightly hard as the movement sometimes does not work. A bug I found was that the enemy hit me off the map and left me falling off.

(1 edit)

Strengths : The animation is great, very well shown in both the character and monster. Everything is drawn very visually appealing.

Weakness? : The game is quite hard to complete, the monster moves too quickly sometimes before you can jump away, I died like 4 times before I could complete it. But on the other hand, its very nice that it's a challenging game.

Bugs : The game is quite buggy when you start the game. You don't start moving until you are hit/die the first time.

Changes : Maybe at the start, make it more clear at what you're collecting?