A downloadable game for Windows


"Nurdle" - A tiny plastic pellet out of many used towards manufacturing in the plastic industry, with some of their more common appearances taking form in plastic water bottles or bags.  They wash up on the shorelines of rivers and beaches, but largely remain in the waters, slowly polluting it.

You find yourself in a polluted part of the sea, trapped inside a fishing net filled with nurdles and plastics and of all shapes and sizes. Another unexpected guest in the net, though, doesn't mind it. In fact, he'd much rather the company of the plastics than you.

You need to get out of here. Quickly.


The result of our final games jam for this unit on our university course, the Character Games Jam. The character we made as our NPC is a rude and spiteful turtle. This project is on hold, so we may update it further and develop his character some more.

Published 3 hours ago
StatusOn hold
Authorssketttt, Nikorialis, M1ni_JD
Tags3D, Short


game_03_RS.zip 228 MB

Install instructions

  1. Download the ZIP file.
  2. Extract all files.
  3. Run the project.

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